dental cleanings Aventura

/Tag:dental cleanings Aventura

General Dentistry: Why You Should Never Skip Regular Appointments

Most of us know we should visit our general dentist every six months for exams and cleanings to ensure optimal oral health, but it seems we find many reasons to avoid those visits. Busy schedules or fear of dental treatments often mean people skip critical routine oral care. However, there are several reasons why you [...]

By |January 8th, 2022|Dental Topics 2, Blog, General Dentistry|Comments Off on General Dentistry: Why You Should Never Skip Regular Appointments

Why Do You Need a General Dentist?

Your good health depends on taking excellent care of your teeth. Not only does proper dental care protect your oral health, but it also has a major impact on your overall health. Routine brushing and flossing are just the start. Establishing a relationship with a good general dentist is a vital part of taking care [...]

By |November 13th, 2021|Dental Topics 2, Blog, General Dentistry|Comments Off on Why Do You Need a General Dentist?

Reasons General Dentistry is Important

It’s easy to put off a trip to the dentist if you’re not experiencing any pain or noticeable issues. Maybe it’s inconvenient in your busy schedule, maybe you don’t want to spend the money, or maybe you experience anxiety about dental visits. None of these are good enough reasons to forego proper dental care so [...]

By |June 26th, 2021|Dental Topics 2, Blog, General Dentistry|Comments Off on Reasons General Dentistry is Important

Test Your Dental Knowledge

How much do you really know about your mouth? Most people understand basic brushing and flossing, but they may not realize the myriad of factors that influence dental health. Knowing how your lifestyle impacts your teeth and gums can help you make the best choices to protect your smile. True or False: You don’t need [...]

By |September 12th, 2020|Blog, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry, Dental Topics|Comments Off on Test Your Dental Knowledge

Crowns and Bridges: When Problems Arise

When you have a tooth or multiple teeth with extensive damage, your dentist may recommend a crown or bridge to restore your smile. Most of the time these restorations provide complete and successful results, but occasionally problems arise. Tooth decay: Good hygiene is imperative after a crown or bridge because plaque can build up in [...]

By |February 29th, 2020|Dental Topics 2, Blog, General Dentistry|Comments Off on Crowns and Bridges: When Problems Arise

Flossing: A Tool for Better Health

Cleaning between your teeth and along your gums with dental floss is just as important as using your toothbrush. Although many people complain about flossing or completely avoid doing it, there should be no excuse for neglecting this part of your dental hygiene routine. Flossing your teeth allows you to get rid of food particles [...]

By |August 17th, 2018|Blog, Dental Topics 1, General Dentistry, Dental Topics|Comments Off on Flossing: A Tool for Better Health

How a Dental Crown or Bridge Can Improve Your Smile

Severely damaged, injured or diseased teeth can lead to not only cosmetic problems with your smile, but also functional ones. Your dentist may recommend dental crowns or dental bridges to treat your dental issues. Dental crowns are a restorative dental therapy that covers the affected tooth completely, serving as the new outer surface of the [...]

By |July 27th, 2018|Dental Topics 2, Blog, General Dentistry|Comments Off on How a Dental Crown or Bridge Can Improve Your Smile
Oral Health with Dental Implants

Improving Your Oral Health with Dental Implants

The Solution to a Perfect Smile When it comes to oral health, maintaining healthy teeth and gums is paramount. However, sometimes circumstances beyond our control can lead to dental problems such as decay and tooth loss. Dental implants offer a ...
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Cerec Aventura

Saving Time with CEREC

Dental advancements in recent years have made some treatments simpler, more convenient, and less painful than in the past. An example of one innovation is using CEREC technology for restorations like crowns, inlays and onlays. Instead of dealing with multiple ...
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Get a Dazzling Smile with Veneers

Veneers are a terrific option to create a dazzling smile. These shells fit right over your real teeth to hide a variety of cosmetic problems. Veneers are typically made of porcelain, giving you a natural and long-lasting smile. How are ...
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An Overview of Family Dentistry

The area of dentistry that provides preventative and restorative treatment for oral health needs for the whole family is called family dentistry. These types of dental practices deal with all age groups using a wide variety of treatment options. Although ...
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