Speed Up Your Root Canal Recovery!

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Speed Up Your Root Canal Recovery!

If you are about to undergo root canal treatment to save a compromised tooth, your oral surgeon or dentist will likely provide you with a list of aftercare instructions. It is vitally important that you follow these recommendations to avoid complications and ensure the success of your endodontic treatment.

There are a few tips you can follow to speed up your recovery time, promote healing, and prevent serious dental problems and infections following root canal treatment:

  • Do not chew on the treated side of your mouth until all of the numbness from the anesthetic has worn off completely.
  • To manage swelling, apply an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on the treated area for thirty minutes. Repeat once an hour for about fifteen minutes each time until swelling subsides.
  • For several nights after treatment, keep your head elevated while sleeping.
  • Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water regularly for the first few days after root canal treatment.
  • Refrain from smoking for a minimum of 24 hours and try to curb tobacco usage as much as possible during the healing period.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity or exercise for 48 hours after your root canal procedure.

Contact your dentist immediately if you experience any excessive swelling or pain, the appearance of a rash or hives, or a return of original symptoms. By listening to the recommendations of your dentist, and following these extra tips, you can assure yourself the best chance of a rapid and complication-free recovery from root canal treatment.

Our dental office is located in Aventura

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