Risks Associated with Dental Implants

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Risks Associated with Dental Implants

Dental implants provide an innovative solution for replacing missing teeth. A titanium rod is surgically placed in the jaw so that it can fuse with the bone, and ultimately an artificial tooth is placed on top to complete the process. This type of surgery is an intricate process that should be performed by a qualified and experienced dentist or oral surgeon. Even patients under the care of the most skilled professionals sometimes encounter problems with dental implants. Here are some risks to watch out for with this procedure.

The most common concern with nearly any type of surgery is the possibility of infection. Oral surgery is no different, with the risk of infection related to tissue and gums. Carefully following the dentist’s instructions for aftercare and any restrictions is vital in avoiding infection.

Nerve and tissue damage:
During dental implant surgery, various nerves and tissue are involved. A qualified healthcare professional should have years of experience in carefully performing the surgery so that tissue and nerves are not damaged in the process.

Improper fusing:
One key element of a successful dental implant is for it to fuse properly with the jaw bone. If that does not occur, pain or other issues may result. The dental implant must be attached carefully and the patient must follow the recovery guidelines in order to help guarantee a successful outcome.

Dental implants are becoming more and more common to restore the function and appearance of a healthy mouth. The best way to steer clear of the risks associated with this procedure is to seek treatment from a reputable and well-established professional. Between having a high-quality procedure and making smart choices throughout recovery, the likelihood of a successful dental implant increases.

We treat patients from Aventura and the surrounding area

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