Ingredients for a Winning Smile

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Ingredients for a Winning Smile

You’ve probably heard all your life about some foods that are bad for your teeth, but did you know there are other foods that are great for your oral health? Let’s learn about some food ingredients that will keep you smiling.


Full of vitamin D, which helps your teeth get the full benefits of calcium from foods that you eat


Contain sulpher compounds and lowers bacteria that leads to tooth decay


High in fiber and vitamin C, these berries help keep gums healthy while scrubbing your teeth when you eat them


Creates a natural mouthwash by increasing saliva production and providing citric acid. Also contains vitamin C and an enzyme called Bromelain, which promotes healing in your mouth


Grain full of teeth-strengthening minerals like calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus

Sesame Seeds

Scrubbing qualities reduce plaque, and calcium content aids your teeth

Shitaki Mushrooms

Contain a sugar called Lentinan, known to prevent mouth bacteria


Japanese horseradish containing compounds that hinder bacteria growth

Sea Salt

Has a blend of minerals that strengthen teeth


Sugar substitute that prevents tooth decay, and is beneficial to gums


Natural sweetener that doesn’t create acid on your teeth like sugar does

We look forward to seeing you in our Aventura dental office

By |December 7th, 2017|Blog, Dental Topics|Comments Off on Ingredients for a Winning Smile
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