How Do You Define the Perfect Smile?

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How Do You Define the Perfect Smile?

Movie stars and celebrities often have stunningly beautiful smiles that immediately catch your eye. In recent years cosmetic dentistry has become far more popular, and many people want to emulate the smiles of famous people to help boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Your dentist in Aventura can transform a perfectly ordinary smile into something spectacular, often using a combination of techniques. A smile makeover can involve teeth whitening, tooth colored fillings and porcelain veneers, and a skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist will restore damaged teeth, rebuilding a smile. Patients can invest as much or as little as they wish in updating their teeth.

When deciding on a smile makeover, it can help to define your idea of a perfect smile. Think about particular characteristics of your teeth you would like to change, for example teeth that are crooked or which have spaces in between them. Could your teeth look a little whiter?

Popular cosmetic dentistry treatments can include:

  • Dental implants to replace missing teeth
  • Invisalign clear braces to discreetly straighten teeth
  • Porcelain crowns and fillings to replace old restorations
  • Porcelain veneers to create a uniformly stunning smile

Deciding how you’d like to improve your smile will give you a good starting point for treatment. You can discuss your goals during your initial meeting with your cosmetic dentist in Aventura, and they can describe possible treatment options. Many people collect photographs of smiles they admire, and this can be helpful for your dentist to compile your treatment plan. Just remember everyone’s smile is unique, and treatment will be customized to fit in with your facial features, skin tone, gender and age.

Our dental office is located in Aventura

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