Implant Dentistry

/Implant Dentistry

Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Most people will eventually lose one or more teeth. Even with vigilant oral care, accident or injury can cause the loss of a tooth. As we age, simple daily wear can cause damage to your teeth resulting in tooth loss. More commonly, periodontal disease or tooth decay will cause you to lose one or more [...]

By |December 19th, 2020|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants?

Many patients seeking the stability and durability of dental implants wonder what the difference is between mini implants or standard sized dental implants. The basic differences are with regard to their intended function. A standard dental implant is larger than 3 millimeters in diameter and is made up of two parts: the screw and the [...]

By |December 12th, 2020|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants?

Dental Implant FAQ

Dental implants are artificial teeth that mimic your natural tooth roots and are placed directly into your jawbone to provide optimal support for dental crowns, bridges and removable prosthodontics such as dentures. If you are considering dental implant therapy, please use the following guide to answer some of your questions. Am I a candidate for [...]

By |December 5th, 2020|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Dental Implant FAQ

How Dental Implants Can Preserve Bone

Preserving the bone in your jaw and face is of utmost importance to your cosmetic dentist, and as such, treatments that preserve bone are preferred over those that lead to bone shrinkage, known as resorption. Dental implants preserve bone by mimicking the tooth's natural roots, stimulating and preserving the bone. As part of the healing [...]

By |November 14th, 2020|Blog, Dental Topics 1, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on How Dental Implants Can Preserve Bone

Making a Decision about Dental Implants

For many years, your only choice for replacing missing teeth was dentures or bridges. Now dental implants offer an impressive alternative. Don’t rule them out just because you don’t know what they are, what the process is, who makes a good candidate, or what the benefits include. Learn more about implants so you can make [...]

By |October 24th, 2020|Blog, Dental Topics 1, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Making a Decision about Dental Implants

Dental Implants: An Alternative to Dentures and Bridges

In the past, replacing lost teeth meant getting dentures or bridges. Even though these offered the best way at the time to restore your mouth’s appearance and function, technology has improved through the development of dental implants. The main drawbacks of bridges and dentures is that they do not feel or look just like real [...]

By |August 8th, 2020|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Dental Implants: An Alternative to Dentures and Bridges

Long Term Dental Implant Care

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care. Like natural teeth, dental implants require vigilant oral care to maintain their usefulness and prevent problems. Once the implant has fused to the jaw bone, it is important to follow some general guidelines to ensure the continued success of your dental implant and restoration. A condition [...]

By |July 25th, 2020|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Long Term Dental Implant Care

Reaping the Benefits of Dental Implants

A dental implant replaces missing teeth by providing an artificial root and tooth. This type of restoration is a permanent solution that gives you back the appearance and function of your mouth. Implants match your real teeth and fuse right into your jaw bone. Implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or [...]

By |May 23rd, 2020|Blog, Dental Topics 1, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Reaping the Benefits of Dental Implants

Why Some Implants Fail Repeatedly

Dental implants are the best restorative choice for replacing a tooth that is missing. Whether the tooth has come out due to some kind of facial trauma or an infection or other issue, dental implants are the solution. The real difference in quality between a dental implant and other restorations such as bridges lies in [...]

By |February 1st, 2020|Blog, Dental Topics 1, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Why Some Implants Fail Repeatedly

Tooth Replacement Options

It’s more common that you might think for adults to lose one or more teeth due to injury or oral diseases. Missing teeth can make chewing and speaking difficult, not to mention lowering a person’s self esteem. That’s why it’s smart to ask your dentist about tooth replacement options, to see if one of them [...]

By |November 16th, 2019|Blog, Dental Topics 1, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Tooth Replacement Options
Oral Health with Dental Implants

Improving Your Oral Health with Dental Implants

The Solution to a Perfect Smile When it comes to oral health, maintaining healthy teeth and gums is paramount. However, sometimes circumstances beyond our control can lead to dental problems such as decay and tooth loss. Dental implants offer a ...
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Cerec Aventura

Saving Time with CEREC

Dental advancements in recent years have made some treatments simpler, more convenient, and less painful than in the past. An example of one innovation is using CEREC technology for restorations like crowns, inlays and onlays. Instead of dealing with multiple ...
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Get a Dazzling Smile with Veneers

Veneers are a terrific option to create a dazzling smile. These shells fit right over your real teeth to hide a variety of cosmetic problems. Veneers are typically made of porcelain, giving you a natural and long-lasting smile. How are ...
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An Overview of Family Dentistry

The area of dentistry that provides preventative and restorative treatment for oral health needs for the whole family is called family dentistry. These types of dental practices deal with all age groups using a wide variety of treatment options. Although ...
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