Dental Topics 3

/Dental Topics 3

Easing Your Dental Implant Concerns

More and more patients with missing teeth are taking advantage of the popular restoration method of dental implants. If you are considering implants, you might have some questions or concerns. It may sound like a daunting procedure that might scare you off, but getting the facts will likely ease your fears. We offer Dental Implants [...]

By |July 17th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Easing Your Dental Implant Concerns

Introducing Dental Implants

Failure to take good care of your teeth can result in tooth loss, and so can issues like trauma or aging. No matter why you lose a tooth or multiple teeth, you’ll want a secure, comfortable and attractive replacement. Dental implants come to the rescue with all of these benefits and more. A dental implant [...]

By |July 3rd, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Introducing Dental Implants

Diet and Oral Health

For years, we have heard that sugar is bad for our teeth. As research has grown, scientists now understand which kinds of sugars hurt your teeth and which foods help keep your mouth healthy. A balanced diet can help keep your smile looking and feeling great. Certain foods produce changes in your mouth that can [...]

By |June 19th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Diet and Oral Health

Everyday Things That Are Staining Your Teeth

Having a bright smile is a sign of good health, and it not only makes your face more radiant, but also appear younger! As you age, your teeth lose their outer layer of tooth enamel. The layer underneath is called dentin, and it is more yellow than the surface enamel. Even though this yellowing is [...]

By |June 5th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Blog, Teeth Whitening|Comments Off on Everyday Things That Are Staining Your Teeth

Examining Amalgam Fillings

The traditional silver fillings that patients have been getting for many years have come into the spotlight in recent years. Some people wonder if these silver, or amalgam, fillings are safe because they contain small amounts of mercury. Background Amalgam fillings contain a mixture of half liquid mercury and half a blend of silver, copper, [...]

By |May 21st, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Examining Amalgam Fillings

Dealing with Bad Breath

Though not considered life threatening, bad breath, or halitosis, can certainly have a dramatic impact on your life. Some people develop occasional bad breath when they eat foods like onions and garlic, or because of a head cold. In these cases, the problem usually resolves itself in a short time period. Unfortunately, bad breath can [...]

By |March 26th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Dealing with Bad Breath

What is Restorative Dentistry?

Over time, daily life can take a toll on your smile. Decay, breakage, disease, and missing teeth can negatively affect your mouth. Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing damage and renewing the integrity of your smile. With today’s advanced technology and high-quality materials, you can enjoy strong, attractive restorations. Don’t put off necessary dental work any [...]

By |February 19th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on What is Restorative Dentistry?

How to Deal with Tetracycline-Stained Teeth

Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat infection. While it works to fight certain illnesses, it can have a negative impact on your smile. If tetracycline is taken by pregnant women or by children while their teeth are still forming, the teeth will develop with dark stains. Usually, this medication produces brown or grayish discolorations [...]

By |February 12th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Blog, Cosmetic Dentistry|Comments Off on How to Deal with Tetracycline-Stained Teeth
Oral Health with Dental Implants

Improving Your Oral Health with Dental Implants

The Solution to a Perfect Smile When it comes to oral health, maintaining healthy teeth and gums is paramount. However, sometimes circumstances beyond our control can lead to dental problems such as decay and tooth loss. Dental implants offer a ...
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Cerec Aventura

Saving Time with CEREC

Dental advancements in recent years have made some treatments simpler, more convenient, and less painful than in the past. An example of one innovation is using CEREC technology for restorations like crowns, inlays and onlays. Instead of dealing with multiple ...
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Get a Dazzling Smile with Veneers

Veneers are a terrific option to create a dazzling smile. These shells fit right over your real teeth to hide a variety of cosmetic problems. Veneers are typically made of porcelain, giving you a natural and long-lasting smile. How are ...
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An Overview of Family Dentistry

The area of dentistry that provides preventative and restorative treatment for oral health needs for the whole family is called family dentistry. These types of dental practices deal with all age groups using a wide variety of treatment options. Although ...
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