Dental Topics 2

/Dental Topics 2

Sports Drinks and Your Teeth

Reaching for a sports drink may seem like a smart way to rehydrate during a big game or after completing your exercise regimen, but you may not be as educated as you think. Consumption of sports drinks is on the rise, with 62 percent of American teenagers drinking at least one a day. That’s why [...]

By |November 30th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Sports Drinks and Your Teeth

Root Canal Therapy: FAQ’s

If the prospect of a root canal procedure has you running for the hills, you may want to consider reading over this list of frequently asked questions before you end up cowering in a corner: What is root canal therapy? Root canal treatment is performed when decay or trauma has damaged a tooth causing it [...]

By |November 23rd, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Root Canal Treatment|Comments Off on Root Canal Therapy: FAQ’s

Gear up for Back-to-School Sports with Mouth Guards

It’s back-to-school time and that means kids everywhere will be participating in sports. It’s time for football, soccer, volleyball, and all sorts of sports teams to get back in shape. That not only means conditioning your body, but also getting all the right gear. One item that you don’t want to forget is a mouth [...]

By |November 9th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Gear up for Back-to-School Sports with Mouth Guards

Dental Implants: A Reason to Smile

Dental implants have become the standard of care recommended by dentists for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Compared to other solutions, many patients are finding that dental implants give them a reason to smile. Realism: Dental implants provide a new tooth and root that looks, fits, functions, and feel like a natural tooth. Implants avoid [...]

By |November 2nd, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Dental Implants: A Reason to Smile

Teeth Whitening Options

A brighter smile can make a big difference in your appearance. There are lots of choices today for improving your tooth color. Here are details about some of the options so you can decide which way you may want to whiten your smile. Eliminating the need: One way to eliminate the need for teeth whitening [...]

By |October 26th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Teeth Whitening|Comments Off on Teeth Whitening Options

Reasons to Visit a Cosmetic Dentist

You may have heard of cosmetic dentistry, but are unsure of how that branch of dentistry can help you. There are many reasons to visit a cosmetic dentist! Just about anyone who is embarrassed or unhappy about their smile can find options for improvement through a cosmetic dentist. A wide variety of procedures and treatments [...]

By |October 19th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Cosmetic Dentistry|Comments Off on Reasons to Visit a Cosmetic Dentist

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Some patients wonder if dental implants are the best choice for their missing teeth. The time and effort dental implants take can be off-putting to some patients. If you’re wondering if dental implants are really worth it, there are many factors for you to consider. Dental implant treatment takes a relatively long period of time [...]

By |October 5th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Blog, Implant Dentistry|Comments Off on Are Dental Implants Worth It?

I Can’t Give Up my Coffee!!

You’ve probably seen what coffee can do to a cup. Those brown stains that you see left on your cup are also sticking to your teeth. Coffee is especially hard on your teeth due to an ingredient called tannic acid, which gets into the grooves and pits of your tooth enamel and can stain it [...]

By |September 28th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on I Can’t Give Up my Coffee!!

Avoiding Pregnancy Gingivitis

Pregnancy brings many kinds of excitement and joy to a mother’s life, but gum problems aren’t one of them. Pregnancy gingivitis not only causes gum trouble, it can also lead to higher risks for preterm labor and problems with the newborn baby. If you are pregnant and notice swelling or inflammation of your gums, you [...]

By |September 21st, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Avoiding Pregnancy Gingivitis

Examining Mouth Sores

Sores in or around your mouth are painful and unsightly. They can have a variety of causes, such as infections, irritation from orthodontics or dentures, and symptoms of another health problem. Here are descriptions of the most common mouth sores. Cold sores Also called fever blisters, cold sores appear around your lips, nose, or chin. [...]

By |September 7th, 2019|Dental Topics 2, Dental Information, Blog|Comments Off on Examining Mouth Sores
Oral Health with Dental Implants

Improving Your Oral Health with Dental Implants

The Solution to a Perfect Smile When it comes to oral health, maintaining healthy teeth and gums is paramount. However, sometimes circumstances beyond our control can lead to dental problems such as decay and tooth loss. Dental implants offer a ...
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Cerec Aventura

Saving Time with CEREC

Dental advancements in recent years have made some treatments simpler, more convenient, and less painful than in the past. An example of one innovation is using CEREC technology for restorations like crowns, inlays and onlays. Instead of dealing with multiple ...
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Get a Dazzling Smile with Veneers

Veneers are a terrific option to create a dazzling smile. These shells fit right over your real teeth to hide a variety of cosmetic problems. Veneers are typically made of porcelain, giving you a natural and long-lasting smile. How are ...
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An Overview of Family Dentistry

The area of dentistry that provides preventative and restorative treatment for oral health needs for the whole family is called family dentistry. These types of dental practices deal with all age groups using a wide variety of treatment options. Although ...
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