Can You Benefit from CEREC?

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Can You Benefit from CEREC?

CEREC crowns are named for CEremic REConstruction. CEREC is a restorative dental treatment resulting from computer assisted design (CAD) and computer assisted manufacturing (CAM). This process was developed in the early 1980s at the University of Zurich by Dr. W.H. Mormann and Dr. M. Brandestini.

The process allows a cosmetic dentist to design, create and place computer-developed tooth restorations in one single dental appointment. With CEREC, there’s no need for a dental lab or multiple visits to the dentist. In use since the mid 1980s, CEREC is rapidly becoming the top-of-the-line choice for tooth restoration.

Because CEREC begins with a digital scan of the mouth, traditional goop-filled molds are not required. These trays are problematic for many patients, especially those with a delicate gag reflex, eliminating the possibility of retching and vomiting during the molding process.

CEREC crowns can help anyone who necessitates a dental crown to complete a root canal treatment or a dental bridge. CEREC allows a crown to be placed the same day as a root canal procedure, alleviating the need for a temporary crown. This can save a great deal of time for a busy patient, and a lot of anxiety for a fearful one.

CEREC teeth are extremely accurate. Because they were created with the help of an optical scan, they are more accurate than most teeth created by hand in a lab. This ensures proper fit and a long life for your crown.

If you have questions about whether or not you can benefit from CEREC technology, talk to your cosmetic dentist about this exciting advancement in dentistry. Find out how CEREC can improve your experience in the dental chair and in the future of your smile.

We treat patients from Aventura and the surrounding area

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