Best Foods for a Beautiful Smile

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  • Food for your teeth

Best Foods for a Beautiful Smile

Most people are well aware certain foods are bad for teeth, but did you know some are very good for oral health? Listed below are just a few of the foods that could help your teeth and gums stay in tip top condition.

Salmon is packed full of vitamin D which helps your body to absorb calcium from other foods, keeping your teeth and bones strong and healthy.

Onions might give you temporary bad breath, but they also contain sulfur that lowers the amount of decay causing bacteria in your mouth.

Strawberries are high in fiber and vitamins C, ensuring your gums are able to repair themselves and fight infection.

Pineapple is also high in vitamins C as well as an enzyme called Bromelain which helps promote healing. In addition pineapple increases saliva production, helping to wash away excess bacteria and sugars that could cause disease.

This fashionable grain is full of minerals including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and calcium, all of which help strengthen your teeth.

Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds contain plenty of calcium, helping to strengthen your teeth.

Shiitake Mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms not only taste delicious, but also contain something called Lentinan which helps prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth.

Wasabi is a type of Japanese horseradish that contains particular compounds that inhibit the growth of bacteria in your mouth.

Sea Salt
Sea salt contains numerous different minerals that help strengthen teeth.

Your dentist in Reno may recommend chewing xylitol gum after every meal as this ingredient helps inhibit bacterial growth, reducing the risk of gum disease and cavities.

Ordinary sugar promotes bacterial growth, increasing acidity in the mouth. Stevia is a natural sweetener that doesn’t have this effect.
Of course a great diet is only half the story, and needs to be backed up with professional dental care from your dentist in Reno, and great daily dental care at home.


Visit our Aventura dental office for a dental cleaning.

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