Teens and Oral Health


Teens and Oral Health

Having a teenager can be challenging. They have school work, multiple activities, and attitudes. This hectic time in life can also impact your teen’s dental health. Proper care and good oral hygiene will make sure that your teenager enjoys a lifetime of vibrant smiles.

• Encourage your teen to brush after each meal. Remind your son or daughter about the importance of flossing to remove plaque and promote gum health.
• Explain the consequences of not caring for your teeth, which can include bad breath, stains, and cavities.
• Make sure you stock up on the necessary supplies so that your teen has the right tools on hand. Purchase plenty of fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, and extra toothbrushes.
• Schedule regular checkups with the dentist. These appointments allow the dentist to assess your teen’s oral health and handle any problems right away.
• If your son or daughter has braces, get floss threaders from the orthodontist or buy them at the local drug store. Keep up with appointments for adjustments so that your teen’s treatment stays on track.
• For teens that play contact sports, including soccer, football, or volleyball, ask your dentist or orthodontist about a custom mouth guard. This oral appliance is designed to protect their teeth and mouth from potential injury.
• Limit your teen’s consumption of junk food by having health snacks like vegetables, fruits, and low fat dairy options readily available.
• Model good behavior. Showing that you believe oral health care matters will help your teen take your advice and warnings to heart.

If you live in the Aventura area contact us today

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