Dental advancements in recent years have made some treatments simpler, more convenient, and less painful than in the past. An example of one innovation is using CEREC technology for restorations like crowns, inlays and onlays. Instead of dealing with multiple appointments and temporary fittings, patients get their permanent restoration in a single trip to the dentist.
CEREC, or ceramic reconstruction, uses specialized computer technology and machinery to create restorations. A 3D imaging camera scans the tooth and provides its exact dimensions to a computer that uses CAD technology to design the restoration. Once the highly accurate design is created, the data goes to a milling machine that forms the restoration out of ceramic. In just about half an hour, the restoration is ready to be permanently installed in the patient’s mouth.
What’s the big difference with CEREC technology compared to traditional restorations? It saves a great deal of time! In the past, the complete process could take as long as a month to perform. A dentist would have to prepare the tooth, place a temporary crown while the permanent one was developed in a lab, and then the patient would need to return for another appointment for the final crown placement. So instead of this long and inconvenient process, CEREC allows the whole procedure to take place in a single office visit.
In addition to saving time, CEREC restorations also avoid wearing uncomfortable temporary fittings for any period of time. The attractive and perfectly fitted permanent restoration is immediately placed in the mouth for enjoyment right away. Its ceramic material is natural looking and very durable, and has minimal risk of dislodgement or loss.
CEREC technology allows patients to restore their smiles in one convenient trip to the dentist. Ask if your dentist provides this technology if you need any type of ceramic restoration to complete your smile.
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