Porcelain Veneers: Smiling with Confidence

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Porcelain Veneers: Smiling with Confidence

An embarrassing smile can ruin your ability to smile freely, opting to hide your teeth so that others can’t see them. Dental veneers, thin shells often made of porcelain attached to the fronts of your teeth, transform your smile to one you can display with pride. They are customized for each patient to give you the look you desire.

There are numerous dental problems that can be hidden with porcelain veneers. Common reasons that people choose veneers include tooth discoloration, chips, breaks, worn down teeth, gaps, misalignment or misshapen teeth. These restorations cover all of these problems and more, giving you the perfect smile.

The process for getting veneers is not painful and usually requires a few trips to the dentist. First you’ll need a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate. You should tell the dentist exactly what you dislike about your smile and learn if veneers can correct those issues. If so, your next appointment will include preparing your teeth by removing a small amount of your enamel so the veneers can be attached. Your dentist will make an impression of your mouth so that veneers can be crafted in a lab to fit exactly. The last step is a visit to have the final veneers bonded to your teeth, adjusted, and polished for a flawless appearance.

You can count on porcelain veneers to resist stains so that they continue to look just like they did when applied. You can choose the veneer color to get just the shade you desire, and your smile will look very natural. Another benefit is that your gums should adjust very easily to porcelain veneers. Keep in mind, however, that veneers are a permanent solution and if they do become damaged it’s likely you’ll have to completely replace them. The lifespan of veneers is often ten years or more, and they don’t require any special care other than normal dental hygiene.

Veneers provide patients with the ability to turn their smiles around for good. If you’re unhappy with the look of your teeth, consult your dentist to see if veneers will help you regain your confidence.

Our dental office is located in Aventura

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