Features of CEREC Technology for Crowns

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Features of CEREC Technology for Crowns

Dental crowns have been revolutionized by the onset of CEREC technology. This unique method of developing crowns is taking dentistry by storm. Not all dentists have the training and equipment to perform CEREC crowns, but those that do are able to provide their patients with the latest and greatest type of dental restoration.

One of the best features of CEREC is that it only requires one visit to the dentist from start to finish. This is due to the fact that there is no dental impression that must be sent to a laboratory to create the restoration. The dentist is able to use special computer software right there in the office to develop a 3D image of your tooth that will be used to create the crown.

Another outstanding feature is that a CEREC crown is made of pure porcelain. This material is hard like your real tooth enamel, able to withstand heat and pressure. CEREC crowns are strong and long-lasting, making them a great solution for a dental restoration.

CEREC technology is used to create more than just crowns. Dentists also make veneers, inlays and onlays using CEREC. In order to develop your restoration, these are the steps your dentist will perform:

  • Take a digital image of your tooth with a special camera
  • Create a digital crown based on the image
  • Transfer the design to the milling machine
  • Allow the milling unit to make the crown out of a block of porcelain, which take about 15 minutes
  • Remove the crown from the milling machine and attach it to your tooth with dental cement
  • Perform finishing touches to fit the crown perfectly and give it a natural appearance

When your dentist uses CEREC, there are no more excuses that you don’t have time to get your restoration. If this type of technology interests you, look for a dentist who offers CEREC and get your smile back in just one day.

Schedule your appointment at our Aventura dental office

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