Dental Implants: Choosing the Best Implant Dentist in Aventura

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Dental Implants: Choosing the Best Implant Dentist in Aventura

Dental implants are a fantastic solution for replacing missing teeth. Choosing a qualified, experienced and knowledgeable dental professional to place the implants is a vitally important step that could mean the difference between a successful or failed implant procedure. Properly placed and cared for implants can last a lifetime, but improperly placed implants have the potential for problems or even complete failure. Some things to consider when selecting an implant dentist include:

  • Is the dentist a board-certified implant specialist? Any dentist can legally place implants. You should specifically look for a dentist with a specialty in “Prosthodontics” as recognized by the American Dental Association.
  • How long has the dentist been placing implants and how many implant procedures have been done? The ideal implant dentist will have placed hundreds of implants, and should perform this procedure on a regular basis.
  • What is the dentist’s specific training in implant surgery? A qualified implant dentist should have completed more than just a weekend course in dental implant placement, and should be able to show that knowledge is maintained with continuing education.
  • Can the dentist provide before and after photos of previous implant patients? You should be able to see the dentist’s own work, not stock photos. The dentist should also be able to provide you with recommendations from former patients.
  • Can the dentist explain the different types of implants and how each might suit your needs? A qualified and experienced implant dentist will have used an array of implant types and be able to recommend the best option to meet your specific restoration needs.

Making a choice of a qualified implant dentist is a critical part of the dental implant process, with a goal of ensuring success. Take your time and make certain the dentist you select has the experience and knowledge to make your implant placement worry-free.

Schedule your appointment at our Aventura dental office

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