CEREC Explained

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CEREC Explained

Ceramic Reconstruction, or CEREC, is a popular new type of dental restoration system. It uses the latest technologies to create restorations in a short time period. This process revolutionizes the way that certain restorations like dental crowns can help patients.

How does it work?

CEREC uses computer-assisted technologies, such as CAD/CAM technology and 3D imaging, to develop the restorations. A 3D image is made of the teeth and then converted using CAD software to create a model. Important data is collected in the system and shared with a milling unit, which uses the information to accurately form a restoration from a block of ceramic. The restoration can then be applied to the tooth and polished with the finishing touches.

What are the benefits?

CEREC offers a number of advantages over the traditional way of making restorations. The most obvious is that the patient’s tooth can be restored in one visit to the dentist, and there are no temporary restorations to deal with. Also, there is a very high level of accuracy so that the fitting is comfortable, secure, and attractive. CEREC technology is constantly being improved, so more and more dental restorations are possible. Currently crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays can all be created with CEREC.

Who does CEREC procedures?

Dentists specially trained and certified to use CEREC technologies are the only ones you should use for this type of restorations. The dentist must have the equipment in the office to create CEREC restorations.

Our dental office is located in Aventura

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