A New Smile with Veneers

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A New Smile with Veneers

One of the most common procedures in cosmetic dentistry today is dental veneers. Many types of problems can be remedied with veneers, such as teeth that are chipped, broken, gapped, misshapen, or discolored. A veneer is a very thin shell usually made of porcelain that is bonded to the fronts of teeth to hide flaws.

One of the best things about dental veneers is that they immediately transform your smile the minute they are placed. They are very natural-looking because the porcelain reflects light in the same way as real teeth. Discolored or stained teeth are erased by veneers that are created in the shade you choose. Porcelain resists stains so you no longer have to worry about discoloration. You get to keep your original teeth since veneers are attached directly to them. Veneers are not only an attractive choice, they are also strong and durable.

The process for getting dental veneers takes two or three appointments. At the first visit, you will have an examination and X-rays to learn if you are a good candidate for veneers. If this type of restoration is suitable for you and will help you achieve your goals, your dentist can customize your smile based on your facial features, coloring, complexion, and other characteristics. A mold will be taken of your mouth and sent to a dental laboratory for your veneers to be made. When they are ready in about a week, you will return to the dental office to have them attached to check for things like fit and color. The veneers will then be permanently bonded to your teeth and final modifications will be completed.

Your normal oral hygiene routine can be continued, including gentle regular brushing with a soft toothbrush and daily flossing. Regular dental checkups every six months should be maintained for checkups and cleanings. Avoid chewing or biting on hard items so that your veneers will not chip or break. If you follow these guidelines, your veneers should last a very long time.

We treat patients from Aventura and the surrounding area

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